Mark "Paulie" Wenger, President - Pemberton Township Historic Trust


About Mark "Paulie" Wenger, President - Pemberton Township Historic Trust

Mark "Paulie" Wenger serves as the Camden County History Connector. His primary responsibility is to strengthen SJCA's ties with the local history community in Camden County. Additionally, he will assist in the development of the South Jersey History Story Map and the South Jersey Culture Trail mobile application.

Wenger is a renowned New Jersey historian, acclaimed for his extensive research and passion for the Garden State's rich past. With a career spanning several decades, Wenger has become the go-to expert on New Jersey's historical events, architecture, and cultural evolution. His work includes numerous publications, guided historical tours, and lectures that shed new light on the forgotten corners of New Jersey's history. Wenger's dedication to preserving and sharing local heritage has not only educated a generation of residents and historians but also played a pivotal role in the conservation of the state's historical landmarks. His engaging storytelling ability has brought the tapestry of New Jersey's yesteryears into clear, relatable focus, making history accessible and fascinating to both scholars and the general public alike.