Training, Research & Networking Opportunities for Artists 7
South Jersey Cultural Alliance | November Virtual Session for Artists: Start Marketing | Join SJCA in a micro-information share and workshop session about marketing essentials for artists over Zoom. | Date: Tuesday, November 21st from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Register Now!
New Jersey State Council on the Arts | Calling all New Jersey Teaching Artists! | The New Jersey State Council on the Arts is hosting quarterly teaching artist community of practice meetings. These virtual sessions serve as a platform for teaching artists to share their experiences, discuss new opportunities, and connect with each other and the State Arts Council. Through loosely moderated discussions, the sessions provide an opportunity to network with other New Jersey teaching artists, share the challenges and successes of working in the state, and discuss what teaching artistry could look like as we move into the future. | Next Meeting: December 13, 2023 at 3 PM
South Jersey Information Equity Project | South Jersey Community Reporters Workshop Series | The South Jersey Community Reporters workshop series was conceived in mid-2023 as a collaboration between the South Jersey Information Equity Project and the New Jersey Council for the Humanities. | Apply Now!
Artists Sunday | Artists Sunday is a nationwide movement encouraging consumers to shop with artists and craftsmen, and designed to make the Sunday after Thanksgiving the most profitable day of the year for artists. | Date: November 26, 2023 | Apply
APLI: Arts Learning Institute | Paid Opportunity for New Jersey Teaching Artists, Classroom Educators, and School Administrators | Application Deadline: November 27, 2023 | Apply
Mighty Writers Fall 2023 Writing Contest | Call for 7th-12th Graders | Theme: Your Meaningful Connections and/or Relationships - or Those of the Characters You Create | The Arts Professional Learning Institute (APLI) is New Jersey’s arts education professional learning opportunity that pairs teaching artists and school partners in collaborative, engaging workshops throughout the state.| Deadline: November 27, 2023
Measuring Artists’ Challenges and Resilience after Covid-19 | Call for Creatives to Participate in a Research Project, Funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, Seeking to Better Understand the Impact of Covid-19 on Artists and Designers | Registration Deadline: December 1, 2023
Guide to Finances for Artists | Establish solid financial practices with this free eGuide download & worksheets. | Learn More
Resources: https://www.sjca.net/learn/resource-library/calls-other-opportunities/