Organization Funding
Funding Opportunities
New Jersey Historical Commission | County History Grant FY25 Program Guidelines | The County History Partnership Program (CHPP) was created in 2015 to extend local regranting programs to all of the state’s twenty-one counties. The program enables the NJHC to support both existing and emerging local history organizations and practitioners serving diverse audiences. Through the partnership with county re-granting agencies, NJHC support can more effectively reach history organizations, and projects in communities throughout the state. In addition to re-grant funding, counties may apply for their operational costs and programming related to New Jersey history. | Application Deadline: April 3, 2025 | Guidelines available here.
Ocean First Foundation | JOIN! Initiative Grants | Ocean First Foundation consider requests for JOIN! Grants from nonprofits (501c3) that can demonstrate mission alignment with one or more of their Funding Priorities and a significant level of service and impact within OceanFirst Foundation’s footprint – Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Somerset, and Union counties in New Jersey. Applicants outside this footprint must contact the Foundation to be screened for eligibility prior to submitting a request. Additional grant eligibility requirements may be found here. | Application OPENS: February 17, 2025 | More information and application.
New Jersey Economic Development Authority | Historic Property Grant Survey Program: Applications are OPEN | The Historic Property Survey Grant Program is a $400,000 pilot program that will provide grants up to $125,000 for the preparation of Historic Property Surveys throughout the state that include within the defined scope, properties located within a Government Restricted Municipality or that would be considered distress asset/s. | Application and Information.
Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation | Funds Advance Social Impact Organizations in the U.S. and Other Regions | Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation (DRK) is a global venture philanthropy firm supporting early-stage social impact organizations solving the world’s biggest social and environmental problems with bold, scalable approaches. Support is primarily provided in Africa, Europe, India, and the United States, although projects in Latin America and Israel may be considered in select situations. DRK seeks social entrepreneurs with dynamic products or services that have a proven ability to positively impact the lives of underserved people. DRK supports these organizations at the early stages by providing capacity, capital, and community. Capacity support includes operational and technical support, both through a hands-on board service role and specialist capacity-building resources. Capital of up to $300,000 USD over a three-year period is provided as either unrestricted grant funding or investment capital. Nonprofit organizations (U.S. 501(c)(3) organizations and non-U.S. equivalents) and mission-driven for-profit entities are eligible to apply. | Deadline: Ongoing | More information and application.
Council on Library & Information Resources | Recordings at Risk- Regranting Program | Recordings at Risk provides support in the United States for the preservation of rare and unique audio, audiovisual, and other time-based media through digital reformatting. Grants cover the costs of preservation reformatting for fragile or obsolete time-based media content by qualified external service providers. Eligible media may include, but are not necessarily limited to, magnetic audio and video tape, grooved discs, wax cylinders, wire recordings, and film (with or without sound). The program encourages professionals who may be constrained by limited resources or technical expertise to take action against the threats of degradation and obsolescence. Applicants must be U.S. nonprofit academic, research, or cultural heritage organizations. Indian tribes, Alaska native villages, regional corporations, and village corporations are also eligible to apply, as are cultural heritage-focused government agencies. | Deadline: April 14, 2025 | More information and application.
J.M. Kapland Fund | The 2025 J.M.K. Innovation Prize | The J.M.K. Innovation Prize seeks to identify and support bold problem-solvers leading transformative, early-stage projects in the fields of heritage conservation, the environment, and social justice. There is an information session about the prize on April 1, 2025 at 1pm on Zoom. | Deadline: April 25, 2025 | More information and application.
NJ Center for Nonprofits | Funding Opportunities | NJ Center for Nonprofits has compiled an extensive list of funding opportunities. To view them, visit the website.
Arts Organizations
National Endowment for the Arts | Research Awards Grant Program | The National Endowment for the Arts invites applicants to engage with the agency’s five-year research agenda through two funding opportunities for research projects: Research Grants in the Arts, NEA Research Labs. | Deadline: March 24, 2025 | More information and application.
MidAtlantic Arts | Performing Arts Global Exchange Grants | Performing Arts Global Exchange provides fee support directly to nonprofit presenters programming artists from an annually curated roster. Presenters host both public performances and community engagements in achieving the program’s goals of cultural exchange and understanding. PAGE will support tours of performing artists from Morocco and South Africa in the 2025-26 performance season. | Deadline: Thursday, March 27, 2025 | More information and application.
Classics for Kids Foundation | Grants for K-12 Music Programs | The Classics for Kids Foundation invites applications from K-12 music programs for its matching program. This program will award grants to schools or nonprofit organizations in support of incorporating string instruments in K-12 music education programs. All instruments in the string family are supported (including guitars and ukuleles). United States-based organizations with nonprofit status are eligible to apply. | Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025 | More information and application.
Decorative Arts Trust | Publishing Grant Program | The Decorative Arts Trust invites applications for its publishing grant program. This program will support publications tackling the broad context of the Americas and to encourage projects that advance diversity in the study of American decorative arts and material culture. Applications are open in two categories: Publishing Grants for First-Time Authors of Book-Length Publications; and Publishing Grants for Collections, Exhibitions, and Conferences. | Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025 | More information and application.
Believe in Reading | Grants for Reading and Literacy Programs | Believe in Reading funds programs in the United States dedicated to the teaching and encouragement of reading for all ages. Funding is considered for programs that serve any age or aspect of supporting reading and literacy, including adult literacy, English as a second language projects, or Braille-related projects for the blind or visually impaired. The focus is on successful literacy programs that serve populations showing out of the ordinary needs, such as geographic areas with low reading scores and high poverty levels. Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, equivalent educational institutions, and public libraries are eligible to apply for support for existing, successful literacy programs that have been established for a minimum of two years. | Deadline: None. | More information and application.
History Organizations
New Jersey Cultural Trust | FY 2026 Institutional/Financial Stabilization Grants for History & Humanities Organizations | For FY 2026, the New Jersey Cultural Trust Board has authorized the New Jersey Historical Commission to accept applications from history and humanities organizations for institutional and financial stabilization projects to recommend to the Cultural Trust for funding. Declarations of Intent to Apply (DOIs) will be due in SAGE on June 11, 2025, at 3 p.m. Full grant applications will be due in SAGE on July 17, 2025, at 3 p.m. | More information.
New Jersey Historical Commission | County History Grant FY25 Program Guidelines | The County History Partnership Program (CHPP) was created in 2015 to extend local regranting programs to all of the state’s twenty-one counties. The program enables the NJHC to support both existing and emerging local history organizations and practitioners serving diverse audiences. Through the partnership with county re-granting agencies, NJHC support can more effectively reach history organizations, and projects in communities throughout the state. In addition to re-grant funding, counties may apply for their operational costs and programming related to New Jersey history. | Application Deadline: April 3, 2025 | Guidelines available here.
Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts | Succession Planning for Cultural Institutions: 2 Webinars Available | This program of the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts is provided with generous support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 2 webinars are now available to view: Part One | Research Findings | Part Two | Resource Roadmap | More information available here.
Northeast Document Conservation Center | Funding Resources | The NEDCC has compiled a list of funding opportunities and resources pertaining to museums and cultural institutions. Fore more information, visit their website.
American Association for State and Local History | Six Strategies for the Looming Crisis | AASLH’s blog post on how to face uncertain times is a useful resource to view. Visit their website.
Cumberland County Historical Society | Speaker Series: Collin Ramsey | From striking slogans to powerful imagery, propaganda was a force that permeated every corner of WWII. It wasn’t just a tool for governments; it was a pervasive presence in daily life, impacting everyone, everywhere. Even in Cumberland County, propaganda influenced the community and aimed to shape public perception during the war. Collin Ramsey has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Rowan University accompanied by minors in anthropology and international studies. His area of expertise is fascism and WWII. Collin is an active docent at the John Dubois Maritime Museum at the Cumberland County Historical Society. If you would like to attend via Zoom rather than in person, please email brittlp48@gmail.com by March 21st | Date & Time: March 23, 2025 at 2pm | Location: 981 Ye Greate Street Greenwich, NJ 08323 | More information.
New Jersey State Library | VIRTUAL AUTHOR TALK – New Jersey Women During World War II | In celebration of Women’s History Month, please join the New Jersey State Library as Dr. Patricia Chappine examines the critical role the women of New Jersey played as they stepped into newly formed military branches and entered the labor force in areas never before opened to them. | Date & Time: March 25 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Register here.
New Jersey Cultural Trust | FY 2026 Institutional/Financial Stabilization Grants for History & Humanities Organizations | For FY 2026, the New Jersey Cultural Trust Board has authorized the New Jersey Historical Commission to accept applications from history and humanities organizations for institutional and financial stabilization projects to recommend to the Cultural Trust for funding. Declarations of Intent to Apply (DOIs) will be due in SAGE on June 11, 2025, at 3 p.m. Full grant applications will be due in SAGE on July 17, 2025, at 3 p.m. | More information.
New Jersey Council for the Humanities | Action and Incubation Grants Now OPEN! | NJCH regularly offers grant funding in two separate streams: Incubation Grants and Action Grants. Both offer awards between $3,000-$15,000. | Letters of Intent Accepted from April 1-30, 2025 | More information and application.
New Jersey Council for the Humanities | Virtual Information Session: Applying for an NJCH Grant | Join NJCH on Wednesday, March 26th at 2PM to learn more about best practices for applying for a grant from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities! At this hour-long virtual information session, NJCH staff will offer a presentation about the mission of NJCH and about public humanities programming, as well as exploring Incubation and Action Grant guidelines and requirements. | Date & Time: March 26, 2025 @ 2pm | More information and registration.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Digital Humanities Advancement Grant | The Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program (DHAG) supports work that is innovative, experimental, and contributes to the critical infrastructure that underpins scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities. | Deadline: March 24, 2025 | More information and application.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Fellowships | NEH Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing. Applications must clearly articulate a project’s value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. | Deadline: April 9, 2025 | More information and application.
National Endowment for the Humanities | State and Impact of the Humanities | The State and Impact of the Humanities program aims to expand our understanding of the role that the humanities play in private, public, and scholarly life by supporting data-grounded research studies that investigate the state, impact, and value of the humanities in the United States. | Deadline: April 16, 2025 | More information and application.